Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where you treasure is your heart will be also???

For months as I lived half a continent away from my glorious storage unit in small town texas I have missed my beloved summer shoes. I did my best to purge my closet of most of my clothes before catching my flight. However I did have a strong attachment to some of my favorite possessions; I was not ready to bid farewell. So I filled a bag with shoes and threw it in the storage unit at the last minute. Now these were some great shoes. Grey heals that are HOT, some flip flops, hiking sandals (because I hike so much, okay maybe I have never worn them hiking, but someday, maybe), an assortment of casual flats, and my favorite pair of brown wedges. I have thought about these wedges and all the great outfits they coordinate with. 

Side Note:
Proverbs remind us to store up wisdom, and encourages us to have just enough of what we need.

Jesus references the birds of the air that do not store things in store houses and yet they are fed, the flowers are clothed more beautifully than the great King in all his glory.

Back to the story:
As soon as I got to texas two weeks ago, just after dinner with my parents I went to my storage unit to get some of my summer clothes I had stored there. I went straight for the bag with the shoes, and it was all green with mold!! Embarrassingly I almost cried. My mother and I scrubbed all of the shoes, bleached the ones we could, threw some in the washing machine, all but one pair were saved, the wedges didn't make it.

I knew as I put them in storage that it made more sense to give them away. I was not planning to wear them for 5 months, someone should enjoy them. But selfishly I feared that if I loaned them out I wouldn't get them back. And if I gave them away, they wouldn't be mine. So Instead of letting someone else sport these great shoes I threw them into a storage unit, and now they are in a garbage can. 

I feel like I might have learned something, but the truth is I still have stuff in that unit. 

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