Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It is time to write, and rename

My friends and readers -  I have realized I no longer identify with the name of this blog. It simply isn't who I want to be. I love the goal of simplicity, and I love the fabulousness of the idea of being a diva, but somehow the name feels inauthentic to who I ultimately want to be. I want to be fabulous - I don't think I am a diva. (I just google searched diva - these are not the images I think of for myself. I was expecting fabulous women and mostly saw those girls that hold up signs at wresting matches. Maybe my google search is bonkers, but it just doesn't feel like me. I mean Beyonce is a fabulous diva, but do i really remind you of Beyonce?)

I also want to write and not liking my blog name is creating writers block (or just another excuse for it, if you look back at the 4 years of this blog I have a bunch of posts on writers block, maybe I am just lazy). Anyway, I want to write. I am taking on the task of an intentionally "low" budget wedding and I want to share that adventure and everything it means to me to both be engaged and be careful about celebrating in a responsibly extravagant way. I am halfway through my CPE program and I want to share everything I am learning from being in a multi faith setting surrounded by faith leaders who teach me so much. I have about 2 months left of my no purchasing of clothes for a year and I am happy to say I only cheated once and it was a $15 cheat to keep me warm in Italy over Christmas. Did I mention that I got engaged in Italy?

I am pretty sure that most of the people who read this talk to me often enough that you don't need a blog to tell you about my life, but in recent weeks I have realized the much of my creative energy is getting lost to the ether and I might need a blog as a tool to keep me engaged.

So, please join me in the next few weeks as my blog and I go on an identity seeking adventure. Hints on the new name are welcome.

be blessed,

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