Friday, August 26, 2011

Ramblings from a few thousand miles up

I am on a flight to Dallas so that I can hop in a car to Oklahoma to see the lovely Lela get hitched. I am kind of in awe of this moment, not just because Virgin America and Chrome gave me a computer to use and free internet. (It is fun and all, but nothing compared to the weekend ahead.)

You see I remember Lela when she was moving into the residence hall where I was a Chaplain. I never would have guessed that this girl with a shamelessly offensive sense of humor and a heart of gold would have ended up being such a good friend. In fact the rules of healthy boundaries in relational work almost forbid it. If I had know at 24 what I know now about how I am supposed to love people from a tiny bit of a distance, because I am a helper by profession, I am fairly certain I would have never cuddled on the couch with students, and woken poor Lela up before her morning class to complain about my wretched boyfriend. Most significantly 6 years later I wouldn't be on my way to see her on one of the happiest days of her life. Losing all those things would be highly disappointing.

It is odd how my profession works. It is my vocation to care for people: to coach, to guide, and to love. It is also part of my vocation that I am not a dear friend. I am: a chaplain, a teacher, a case manager. I am whatever title might be at the job I am in. Still, as I go on this trip I am realizing the need to be careful to not be too connected to that boundary.

Somehow or another people trust me to care for them, and they often care for me in return. As I have been reading Henri Nouwen's Creative Ministry I have been struck by the need for the teacher to be taught by the student. Lela is far from being my student these days, but she once was, and she has taught me a great deal. Lela has taught me patience, love and forgiveness. She has shown the strength of a young woman willing to make huge changes in her views on the world and than acted on those changes. It has been a few years since I was her chaplain and I see her entirely as a peer. Nonetheless, she treats me with such care and respect I cannot help but remember the role I have been trusted with and it has be in awe.

All this to say: I am on my way to Oklahoma and I am thrilled to see this lovely lady get married. I cannot wait to meet her future husband and I am overwhelmed by the joy of this moment. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I plan to document my trip with fun photos, get excited.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tata for now, just for now, I might be back tomorrow

I have been posting nearly daily for a little over a year, but for the past few weeks it seems that my life is in a season where most of the things I am processing are best pondered over coffee and wine with friends, not so much on a blog.

I am going to take an intentional break from posting daily. I have some fun posts in my head that I would like to bring to fruition, but I need to take some time to dream of bigger things than I have the space to post here.

Be back soon, with ponderings on weddings, my 1920s themed 29th birthday party, craft ideas, and other fun news. But I will not be back daily, it just feels a bit too much.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday Evening Post

September 10th, 1920s Birthday Party! Start getting ready.

Oh, and Happy Saturday! I went to the SF Food Fest and it was epic!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Reading this

I am reading this again and enjoying thinking about my strengths.


You should read it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fields of Orange and Yellow and Lavendar

For most of the pas few Saturdays that I have been in the city Leah, Lisette, and I have gone walking in Golden Gate Park.

Every time we walk past the Conservatory of Flowers I make us stop and I almost always take pictures; even though I know that the pictures I take will look exactly like the ones I took the week before. I just LOVE the flowers there. They are so beautiful and it just amazes me that I live here and this is just part of my normal life. People travel to SF just to come hang out in Golden Gate Park, it is crazy!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Source: via Krystha on Pinterest

Someday my writers block will end, until then, I hope you enjoy other people's quotes.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"So from now till kingdom come, / taste the words on the tip of my tongue. / 'Cause we can't run truth out of town, / only force it underground. / The roots grow deeper / in ways we can't conceive. / All I need is everything. ... Feel the slip and the grip of grace again. / All I need is all I need."

- Karin Bergquist and Linford Detweiler, from their song "All I Need Is Everything"

Quote via Sojourners Voice and Verse

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fly Away

Flying out tonight to celebrate amazing people. See you next week.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Carolinas

This year I am only attending 3 weddings and I am not in any of them (JOY! I mean I love, love, love being in weddings but it is also very much fun to simply attend a celebrate them.)

The second of my three in taking me to South Carolina, via North Carolina (cheaper flights). I am excited. There will be fun photos and all that jazz.

For now my biggest worry seems to be finding a way to get to breakfast somewhere good in Charlotte when I land at 8 am.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lands End

I finally went hiking at Lands End this weekend. The views were amazing! I have to say I think I will have to make it a more regular adventure. I climbed nearly every set of stairs I could find, found the labyrinth that so many people have told me about and enjoyed sitting watching the tug boats pull the huge boats in.

Overall it was a good way to spend some time some time in my lovely city.

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