I took this picture the other day walking in the Mission.
It was painted on the side walk.
It just seems to fit here.

I live in San Francisco.
I moved into a sub-let. It is for real, and I am planning to stay as long as I can. I feel like it fits me, for now.
I still call Texas home when I think about my plans to visit in May.
But this is home.
I am sad that I have to get rid of my TXDL so that I can drive in California.
My soul still cries out to roam.
I long to live in India, Taiwan, Japan, any part of Asia.
My heart still tugs at me to be in Africa.
It still screams for the world to care about the needs of that great continent as if it were part of me.
I still desire the snowy cold of upstate New York.
As much as Alabama was not the place for me, I think of my juvy kids with every rap song I hear.
I still call UBC my church.
I identify my self as being from Dallas.
Mineral Wells is the official address I put on everything. (even though I have never lived there)
I start my new job as a 7th grade tutor tomorrow, but my favorite Jr. Higher is still in Waco.
All of my family lives in TX. Their pictures are on my desk and I call them regularly, so I can pretend they are near.
My heart is everywhere I have ever been and still fully here.
So I took the picture on the side walk, an exposed heart, open to the elements, it could be any where, but it is here, and as it is posted here it is now everywhere.