as most of my friends know I have a thing for birdcages of the antique variety. I mean I really do love them and I am powerfully drawn to them. I know they are super trendy right now and I am always into the latest trend so this can't be too shocking. the thing is I love them for what they represent as empty cages. I love them for open doors and bent bars, and broken perches, I love them for the escape they represent, I like the day dream of the bird that was brave enough to fly away.
funny thing is I woke up this morning thinking of the beauty of birdhouses, and I think I love them for all the ways they stand in opposition to a cage, they are hospitality, designed with the clear intention that no bird will ever be forced to stay, but instead the house can be a stop along the way, a resting place in a tiring journey, a place to gather food, or hide from a turbulent storm, hanging high in branches a birdhouse is a welcome oasis, a place of security often much needed in a life of freedom.
there have been three times in my adventurous and freedom filled life that I have simply not had housing for various reasons, I am a bit of a vagabond and sometimes between travel, rent, school, and employment it is hard to find a resting place, over the years I have had amazing friends and family and they have offered me security in the chaos, without ever attempting to clip my wings, and for them I am grateful
So this post is for you Uncle Wayne, Aunt Karen, Tihara, Julie, Chris & Christine, Scott & Ning, Melanie, and Leah you have been my birdhouses and lest I forget this is for my Creator (Luke 12:24) who provides for even the raven and will always provide for me.
The picture below is of a stain glass birdhouse my grandmother made for me, and I love it!

Such a sweet post Sarah Ro!
So apprently I read this months ago since I left a comment, but I just read it again and you made me cry when you cited Luke. That was my first bible verse to memorize on my own when I was little, and there have been moments in my life when I have clung to it. Love you, and love the new tat!
Borrego, thanks for your comments, they make me happy that I write.
And the birdhouse is incredibly blessed to serve the purpose for which it was made... Thank you for blessing our lives with all the times we have shared with you!
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