Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010

I was reminded in a few blogs, tweets, facebook posts and messages of a sorrow that I cannot forget. It has been 5 years ago today since the loss of an amazing pastor, a loving father and a friend. He inspired us to live well. I am grateful for Kyle's life and legacy. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with his friends, family and our church.
As you go forth this week, May you Love God, Embrace Beauty, and Live Life to the fullest.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What will we do?
I attended a really interesting discussion last night, that I will blog about soon. But first I am curious, really really curious.
Now that we can do anything, what will we do?
That was the question that sparked the book, that lead to the discussion I attended, and really with all my heart I am curious to see where people are going and what people are doing and what will we do?
So, I know I have readers (I have a tracker thingy, so I know you are out there) BUT I have few responders and I am very curious. What are our dreams? What will we do now that we can do anything?
Now that we can do anything, what will we do?
That was the question that sparked the book, that lead to the discussion I attended, and really with all my heart I am curious to see where people are going and what people are doing and what will we do?
So, I know I have readers (I have a tracker thingy, so I know you are out there) BUT I have few responders and I am very curious. What are our dreams? What will we do now that we can do anything?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sharing is caring

I am going to a discussion tonight hosted at the HUB Bay Area in Soma to chat about rethinking the way we consume. I am pretty stoked about it.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
The way sadness and joy work together is a mystery to me. It seems that one cannot fully exist without the other and together they enrich our lives.
Lately, I have felt like the two emotions are at full out war with each other in my heart. I want desperately for them to reconcile and realize that they are the two things that cause me to be fully present in my life right here and right now.
I know it sounds crazy but I know that the sorrow creates the contrast in my life that helps me fully know the power of joy, and joy helps me see the value in sorrow.
I learned of the death of an amazing woman today and my soul is grieved for her loss and for all of the amazing people who love her. I am at a loss for words because everything I type feels cheap. It feels impossible to think of joy in these moments, but when I think of her all I can think of is her amazing smile, her vibrancy, her Joy. She will be missed. The world was a better place with her here. Still, even as I write this with sorrow, her legacy is her joy.
Lately, I have felt like the two emotions are at full out war with each other in my heart. I want desperately for them to reconcile and realize that they are the two things that cause me to be fully present in my life right here and right now.
I know it sounds crazy but I know that the sorrow creates the contrast in my life that helps me fully know the power of joy, and joy helps me see the value in sorrow.
I learned of the death of an amazing woman today and my soul is grieved for her loss and for all of the amazing people who love her. I am at a loss for words because everything I type feels cheap. It feels impossible to think of joy in these moments, but when I think of her all I can think of is her amazing smile, her vibrancy, her Joy. She will be missed. The world was a better place with her here. Still, even as I write this with sorrow, her legacy is her joy.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. ~Langston Hughes
I looked up my street today and the sidewalk was covered in red and brown leaves, while rain came drizzling down. Rainy season came way too early this year after a summer that was way too cold. Nonetheless, I finally have fabulous rain boots and I am going to take advantage of the rain and my cold as an excuse to curl up and read.
Happy Sunday.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Go Rangers! (and Giants)

This feels like an appropriate image for this weekend. The weekend as not gone as I had planed. I feel a bit like I am safe on base but barely. I am so exhausted it is unreal. My purse was stolen. I hosted an open house to fill out newly opened room. Way fewer people came to the open house than I expected, but that is a relief. It will be easier to choose someone to move in.
I am about to get dressed and face the rain to go to a house warming party. Tomorrow, I somehow have to teach Sunday school, show the room to three more people, get a rental phone while I wait for my new one (Thank you purse snatcher for costing me $130, I really didn't need that money for anything. No really, I wasn't planning to buy new make up and a pair of jeans that fit. i hope you have fun with a phone that is locked and my Egyptian scarf.), AND go to Palo Alto to see a friend that moved there a few months back. (I say that like PA is so far away, but it is out of the city.)
Dear family, these boring update posts are dedicated to you. I love that you are my most consistent readers and I get to update you on my life when our timezones make that more challenging than I would like.
And last but not least: Go Rangers!!! I am so excited that we are going to the World Series!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Friday Feature

Please meat Jordan of Night Owl Creations. Her work can be found at BellJar. She is kind of fabulous and has inspired me to begin Feature Fridays.
I love her work. She creates fun jewelry from recycled pieces of vintage jewelry and other fun items. I adore her work so much I plan to have some pieces made just for me.
1.Who inspires you?
That's a tricky concept for me to wrap my head around since I get my inspiration from everywhere. I adore exploring thrift stores, art galleries, cute boutique shops, magazines and books. I look at life and observe what is plainly around me here in the city and take my creativity from that in order to make art. I can't get enough vintage themed arts and crafts, recycling projects and the idea of mixing new with old because who says we should have to draw the line when life itself is so mix-matched everywhere to begin with; that's where true beauty lies.
2.What is your favorite thing to create?
I love creating earrings the most because usually its a pretty simple for me to whip something up. This is good for me since Belljar actually called me just recently and asked me to drop by and put more of my earrings on consignment for the store since the items I had showing there already sold. This whole jewelry thing is happening so quickly because more and more people are becoming interested and my only concern is to create as much I can to meet the demand which is difficult since all of my jewelry is one of a kind.
3. How did you get into jewelry?.
I've always been crafty and good with making things with my hands, which I take after my mom so jewelry came naturally to me. It simply started as a hobby several months ago; I would sit and watch movies in the evenings and fiddle with what materials I had lying around and started making necklaces and such for myself. people started becoming interested in what I was making and after getting compliments every time I went out and about wearing my jewelry everyone told me over and over that I should make jewelry and sell it, and so I did.
4.If you could be anywhere in the world when you wake up in the morning, where would you be?
Europe, most definitely. My dream vacation is Paris, France accompanied by my mother, where I would stay in a vintage french hotel, go shopping, attend galleries and travel around and see the most romantic city which I so badly am fascinated with.
5.What excites you about life?
Being a christian, and experiencing the joys and ups and downs in the most alive way that life has to offer.
Seriously check these out!
they grow apart
500 Days of Summer is an amazing movie. Zooey Deschanel is adorable. I want to be her. I already have the bangs, now I just need the acting and singing career. Oh, and the wardrobe. Maybe I will just start with buying a tambourine.
Happy Friday!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Roomie love
This is how my roommate described me:
Sarah is a case worker for a non-profit that teaches teens job skills. She has also studied theology so open-minded religion and centering spirituality is very important to her. Around the house you'll find Sarah running around finding the perfect vintage outfit for her next fundraiser event, cooking up a gluten-free meal for a few friends, or on her laptop e-mailing people about how they can help contribute to her charities.
If you read my craigslist add for a roommate than you read this. Nonetheless, I cannot say how honored I felt when I saw that this is how she saw me.
I am so grateful for my roomie.
Sarah is a case worker for a non-profit that teaches teens job skills. She has also studied theology so open-minded religion and centering spirituality is very important to her. Around the house you'll find Sarah running around finding the perfect vintage outfit for her next fundraiser event, cooking up a gluten-free meal for a few friends, or on her laptop e-mailing people about how they can help contribute to her charities.
If you read my craigslist add for a roommate than you read this. Nonetheless, I cannot say how honored I felt when I saw that this is how she saw me.
I am so grateful for my roomie.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Mumford & Sons
I have the JOY of spending my evening with Rachel, Jaclyn, and Mumford & Sons. I am so excited!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Broken Social Scene
Last week I outed myself for my terrible taste in music by posting a fabulous country music video. This is an effort to redeem myself. It is also a collection of videos by Broken Social Scene, who I saw this past Sunday at the Treasure Island Music Fest. (Thank you Workshop for letting me volunteer and giving me free tickets!! and thanks Matt, Kevin, George and Jill for dancing with me in the masses! So glad I ran into people I knew and I got to teach Matt how to make a beer cozy.) Anyway, rock on.
Monday, October 18, 2010
What I am For
"To work in the world lovingly means that we are defining what we will be for, rather than reacting to what we are against." Christina Baldwin
I am for:
I am for:
- fabulous weekends
- listening to voices that are often unheard
- dancing at concerts (even if no one else is)
- dancing in general
- warm sweaters
- IJM (specifically the upcoming benefit dinner)
- good music
- talking to cute strangers on the bus
- sleep
- green tea
- fair trade - everything
- all people earning a living wage
- creative decorating
- hospitality
- budgeting
- eating real food
- running
- red wine
- education
- daily bread - and gratitude for enough
- healing
- reconciliation
- equal rights
- Polaroid cameras
- film cameras in general
- paint
- recycled/found object art
- brunch with friends
- the expanding programs at my work
- jobs
- The SOLD Project
- faith
- asking questions
- doubt
- vintage jewelry
- being still - or at least trying
- over booking myself - and admitting it
- responsible fashion
- international travel
- good theology
- taking risks
- believing in change - and knowing that it takes time
Friday, October 15, 2010
Fabulous Friends

These are the woman I roamed the One with last weekend. I enjoyed them immensely.
I will eventually post pics of the weekend. I just wanted to start this weekend off by celebrating my friends.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Safe in the Arms of Love
I might have performed this song when I was 16. I still love it, and I love how fabulously cheesy this video is. You can totally tell it was made in the 90s. I do love the circus theme, but wow she could have used a better editor.
Breakfast At Tiffany's
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Angry Conversations with God

I heard a speaker talk at my church on Sunday and I was both inspired and annoyed. She said a great deal of what I wish people would say about knowing God. Basically that it is hard work, the church is messing it up, and we have screwed-up ideas of God in our heads for a ton of reasons that have nothing to do with God. She had a lot of really great things to say about God and us.
The thing that annoyed me was that it was pitched a singles event and she was pitched as being angry with God because she was single longer than she wanted to be (note: she is now married).
To be honest I am often angry with God. But not for the reasons most people expect. I don't see God as a husband or a father. I have never had a husband and I have had God in my life, my entire life. So God is something else. I don't see God as my father. I love my dad, but he is clearly not God and I don't think the comparison is fair to either one of them. So to add to those statements I am not mad at God for failing to be the husband I want or the father I want. God is neither of those two things.
I get mad at God for not being the God I want. That is what I am working on right now with my relationship with God. You see I want a God that doesn't allow starvation, war, poverty, tragedy, sickness, loneliness, and pain to be so dominant in the world. I want a God that didn't think it was a good idea to allow sin to exist. I want a God that is God. In control and keeping all things Good. I want a God that never let sin happen. I am not mad at God because I am 28 and single. That is just ridiculous. I am mad at God because everyday I interact with people that have never felt loved.
BTW: I am a moody ridiculous creature, and probably will not be mad at God by the time this thing posts to my blog.
Here is the thing, I think God is relational. I think God can handle my anger and that if we don't fight every now and than we will simply stop talking to each other. I think God can handle conflict. More that that I am trusting God that God will handle it. Today God and I are getting along just fine, but I get mad pretty often. I used to be scared of my anger, but I am beginning to think it is a good thing. It is keeping me honest.
I may or may not read the book. I am leaning toward reading it (although I do think the book cover is terrible). I will say this woman is funny and you should check her out.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You can see more of Sarah's space here.
I kind of love both posts so I just had to share them, but really I had to share the image above because along with my other loves (birdcages and ships) I LOVE globes. I want a collection just like this one. I would love them to be from all sorts of times in history so I could have them all hanging out together reflecting how things change.
I miss traveling and seeing the world. There has to be an international flight in my future, there just has to be.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Seeing Beauty
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
My weekend was amazing, full of beauty and adventure. I loved every minute of it. I will be posting some pics later this week of the straw maze, and the light house. We also stopped off at Swanton Berry Farm (my fave!) and Davenport, a little town I adore. I really think my little adventures down the One are amazing, I want them to happen all the time.
I love that I played speed Uno until midnight while drinking red wine with 4 wonderful women. I love that is was so silent it was eerie, and that when the lights were out the darkness was black. (btw: I am a grown woman that is scared of the dark, I really believe I might die in the absence of light... well not really, but still it freaks be me out.) Nonetheless, it was really and truly lovely.
My weekend was amazing, full of beauty and adventure. I loved every minute of it. I will be posting some pics later this week of the straw maze, and the light house. We also stopped off at Swanton Berry Farm (my fave!) and Davenport, a little town I adore. I really think my little adventures down the One are amazing, I want them to happen all the time.
I love that I played speed Uno until midnight while drinking red wine with 4 wonderful women. I love that is was so silent it was eerie, and that when the lights were out the darkness was black. (btw: I am a grown woman that is scared of the dark, I really believe I might die in the absence of light... well not really, but still it freaks be me out.) Nonetheless, it was really and truly lovely.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Going to a Lighthouse

I am completely uninspired today. Not to say it was not a lovely day, I just don't know what to write about. I need to do laundry and go running and read my friend's draft of his book, that I will not have read in time to give him feedback, but at least I should try. I think I take on too much sometimes. But I am looking forward to this weekend. I am going to Pigeon Point Lighthouse with some lovely ladies. That makes me happy.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Birdcage love and Talking Birds
I love this song. I also love bird cages. I love the imagery of freedom and how sometimes we miss it when it is right in front of us.

Check these out for more fabulous birdcages:
Happiness is
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
I am happy
I weep a lot. I thank God I laugh a lot, too. The main thing in one's own private world is to try to laugh as much as you cry. ~Maya Angelou~
I have been laughing a lot lately. I am blissfully grateful and joyfully happy to have the life I do, with the people who have chosen to walk beside me. Thank you for helping me find the balance between weeping and laughing.
I feel like after months of posts mixed with joy and pain I should announce without question that I am happy. I have made some really positive choices for myself and new doors have opened for me. I am happy.
I have been laughing a lot lately. I am blissfully grateful and joyfully happy to have the life I do, with the people who have chosen to walk beside me. Thank you for helping me find the balance between weeping and laughing.
I feel like after months of posts mixed with joy and pain I should announce without question that I am happy. I have made some really positive choices for myself and new doors have opened for me. I am happy.

This mornings commute was a bit brutal.
4:00 Wake up in L.A.
4:10 Get dressed and play with Olli
4:40 drive to LAX
5:15 chat with the security guy (he likes the color purple and he needed to know 3 times if I had liquids, I did, they were sitting in a bag in front of me.)
6:00 board flight
6:20 take off and fall asleep
7:30 land
8:00 BART to 24th street and Mission
8:30 put make up on at work
Yes it took me 4 hours to get to work this morning, but it was worth it. My weekend in L.A. with the lovely Melody was a fabulous little get away from SF. We did not make it to the beach, but we did make it to Venice, where we strolled down a super cute street and stopped into a store with stacks and stacks of cake plates!
There was coffee and wine and cocktails and a new yummy polenta dish that I will have to buy at Trader Joe's. We cooked out on the grill and watched 4 episodes of Mad Men. We caught up on life. I developed some serious apartment envy. (Seriously, the girl knows how to decorate, and her friend Amy is pretty awesome as well.) Derek joined us for dinner both nights and he was fabulous company as always.
We chatted about finding the right church and how I hope to start my own church/community someday, but how I love love love my job right now. It was refreshing to sit in a church service with less than 50 people, but I have to admit I am really loving attending a church with over a thousand members. I guess it is all about seasons of life and all of that.
To top it all off her adorable apartment was the perfect temperature with the windows open and you can hear the little water fountain outside. It was so relaxing. Just, like I had gone to a tropical island for a little get away. It was lovely.
Thank you lady and gentleman for a fabulous weekend!
Friday, October 1, 2010
My Girl Likes to Party All the Time
A few weeks ago I had a Karaoke birthday party and someone sang this song. That was memorable, more memorable: the next day standing in the foyer of the Russian Center before church, Bret Wise busts out singing this song.
I am going to L.A. this weekend to see the lovely Melody. I will not be posting, because I will be laying on a beach and catching up with a dear friend. There will be photos and it will be fabulous.
Love my life.
Party all the time and have a great weekend.
The Dance of Life

It is my greatest desire that I will be able to take in the full range of feeling that life has to offer. Still, I know I need to do this with wisdom and intention. I am excited about the growing process.
Any dance of celebration must weave both the sorrows and the blessings into a joyful step... to heal is to let the Holy Spirit call me to dance, to believe again, even amid my pain, that God will orchestrate and guide my life. ~Henri J.M. Nouwen
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