I was asked to name 5 movies that have affected my spiritual life. Confession I really can't name the ones that effected my spiritual life as any different than the ones that changed my life so here we go:
1) Hotel Rwanda
2) Crash
3) Born into Brothels
4) Saved
5) ???
I honestly have no idea what the fifth one would be. Saved is a stretch to have on the list and I know there are movies I have moved me more. But can I really say that Breakfast at Tiffany's has impacted my spiritual growth? Honestly I just love the movie. It is my favorite movie. I love all Audry movies, but I am just at a bit of a loss for what movies I think have challenged me spiritually.
Well for you 11 people that follow this thing, I would love to hear your movies that shaped you.
1.) The Darjeeling Limited
2.) Stranger than Fiction
3.) Big Fish
4.) Saved
5.) Lars and the Real Girl
Thanks Dani, I actually loved all of these movies.
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