I spent the day with Rachael and Rachael, (Rachael Butler is really Sarah Rachael, and my name is Sarah, we have the perfect set of names to be a junior high mean girls clique, but we are grown and nice.) Rachael W got a citycarshare car and we roamed. I have stated before that something magical happens in my soul when I get to drive on open road. We didn't make that far at all, but we did get to drive on Highway One. I love love love living so close to the ocean.
As we roamed we found Fort Funston. It was kind of amazing standing in the rain over looking the ocean. We laughed as the wind attempted to break their umbrellas and we day dreamed of fabulous events hosted over looking the ocean. We planed hikes and trail runs. We moved without an itinerary and just let the hours be. It was wonderful.

Sometimes I can't really express how grateful I am to live here with these fabulous people in my life.
Thought I'd let u know that your listed San Antonio 'visitor' from 8 minutes ago...was ME! love ya Sarah.
Your bestestest friendestest in the while widest worldestest, Jo. :)
Beautiful photos Sarah! So glad you got to enjoy some space and time in beauty with these lovely women.
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